Foot Scanners for In-Office Foot Scanning
I-Pad Foot Scanner
This is the latest in foot scanning technology. It uses a 3D sensor mounted to an Apple I-pad to obtain real 3D images of the foot using infrared scanning technology and is not affected by room lighting conditions that can affect other types of foot scanners.
This scanner is best purchased directly from the manufacturer's website. Call us for details.
AOMS 3D Laser Foot Scanner
This foot scanner uses a red laser line that wraps around the patient's foot, thereby obtaining a true full 3D image of the foot. It can be ordered directly from our lab and is sent up to transfer foot scans directly back to the lab. Delivery is normally a few weeks, as each scanner is built to order.
Tomcat Flatbed Foot Scanner
This foot scanner uses the white light method of obtaining a scan of the patient's foot. A plus is that it includes a real picture of the foot, thereby making it easy to identify marks or lesions on it. It can be ordered either directly from Tom-cat Solutions or from our lab.
All scans get sent to Tom-Cat Solutions first then downloaded to the lab. This scanner has a small overhead scan fee collected by the lab and sent to Tom-Cat Solutions. Call us for ordering info.